Monday, March 12, 2012

Saturday excursions

I'm so glad it is finally warming up a little and we can out and discover new fun things to do. This weekend we took Maddie with us and went to the arboretum. The kids and I had been there once before with with a friend from my Bible study but the kids play area was closed for a controlled burn do we returned on Saturday with hopes to play.

We (okay just me) were so bummed to find out that in order to even go into the kids outdoor play are it is $3 a person. I'm not gonna lie, that made me angry. Who wants to pay to play outside?? We don't wanna do crafts we just want to play! So, we walked around discovering and found a wooded trail and a huge fallen down tree to climb on and in. the kids had lots of fun climbing trees running through fields and crossing "rivers." Two tired kids and one tired dog later and we really felt like we got our money's worth! I know, enough already!