Friday, March 23, 2012


Just a little update about my favorite boy in the whole wide world.

This kid is actually loving learning. From his Uncle Michael he has picked up on the fact that school isn't supposed to be fun so he probably wouldn't tell you so, but he is always asking questions and wanting to know when it is time to sit down and "do school."

He is really into the United States and although it isn't really part of our curriculum I had planned for this year he is 2 states shy of knowing all 50 states, thanks to the Fifty Nifty song.

He is doing really well with his reading but hates to write anything. He just can't stand to write.

He also loves cowboys and superheroes. He doesn't really care about comic book superheroes he just still loves wearing the Halloween costume I made him. My parents got him a few old western movies for Christmas. If they aren't black and white and do not include a love story then he will watch every second.

He seems to be more and more interested in sports lately. Soccer is what he usually wants to play in the backyard. He can actually carry on an NFL conversation with Trevor that sounds like a foreign language to me.

The kid still eats like a bird! I can't complain though because he will eat almost anything. Lately some of his favorites are Caesar salad, steak salad, stuffed shells, anything Mexican, and he is making me proud because he now asks to put red hot on a lot of the foods I put it on!

He loves swimming his bike and his dog sleeps at the foot of his bed...he is just everything I dreamed him to be and more!