Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Finally some snow!!

There has been lots of snow sledding going on around our house. There for a while it was feeling like it really wasn't winter at all! Ellis even told me that he didn't believe the weather men any more. It snowed about 4 inches and the first day the high was only about 12 degrees. Needless to say, we waited for day number two to go sledding.

Trevor and I had a date night during the storm so on our way home to pick up the kids we made a quick stop to buy them some new disc sleds. They were waiting in their car seats and we even tried them out in the driveway at 9 pm.

Ellis was a crazy man on his! He would go back to the Durango and take a running start and dive down the hill. He loved it! Near the end of it all we had his whole face covered.

Alaire started out a little timid, wanting to either ride down with me or Trevor but after a couple times she took to it on her own.

These pictures are from a couple of different sledding excursions. The last two days that we have gone out it has been so sunny that you can hardly open your eyes. (I love that about CO winters.)

Yesterday I took them sledding at lunch time and they made trains and sledded on their bellies and knees.

I was so proud of Ellis, he carried up Alaire's sled for her every time without even being asked. It could have been that he was sick of hearing her whine just ask much as I was but I like to think it was because he is just that sweet!

She was doing her fare share of whining yesterday but she was also doing a good amount of cracking me up too. I kept asking her to come over to me so that I could fix her boot and she said, " I can't mom I'm holding up this tree!" Once I was finished laughing I took a picture and she came over to have her boot fixed. She sat in the snow and I readjusted it for her. As I was working she said, "hey mom, when I get up look at the snow and you can see my bum foot print!" That one made me really laugh!! She also decided to wear a "Horton Hears a who" hat sledding. It has really big elephant ears on it. Every time she saw her shadow she said she looked like a reindeer. :)

** Keep reading the Christmas post is below.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Send some snow our way will ya! Looks like they are having a great time. When do the skis come out? Ellis is a good big brother. And I thought for use Alaire was going to stick her tongue on the tree to see if it would stick. She cracks me up!

The Shellabys said...

Yea! That looks like so much fun! I can't wait to go sledding with the girls! Maybe we will be in Colorado with some snow soon and your kids can teach my kids! :)

oma said...

Sledding is always great fun! I miss those sunny Colorado Winter days! You have such a beautiful view from your kitchen windows, too!!

You're doing something right with that young knight!
(Did you watch any of the million showings of "Christmas Story"? Glad Alaire didn't stick her tongue to that tree!) Her bum footprint remark was hilarious!

maxime said...
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