Thursday, December 23, 2010

Chuck E. Cheese

In October when Ellis and Alaire first started to memorize Luke 2:1-20 we let the kids pick what they thought their prize should be if they were able to do the whole thing. I think the only thing they really thought of was a toy but I wanted them to think bigger. I thought it was a pretty big accomplishment. So, I suggested Chuck E. Cheese and they were so excited by that idea.

Monday night was the reward and we did it up right. I felt like my dad, saying, "Is there any where else we could spend a little more money. I just don' t feel like we have spent enough money." Trevor kept reminding me that this was a reward and we were having fun!

They did have fun! Alaire kept wanting to go see Chuck E. and give him five. I took her up to the stage and she touched him but when I asked her if I could get her picture with him she was not about to be up there by herself. She wanted me in it and she was not going to look at the camera she had to make sure she could see him out of the corner of her eye.

Ellis checked out the prize counter about halfway through the night and decided on a dirt bike that was worth 800 tickets. The rest of the night we spent time reminding him that he would not have enough tickets to get it. They ended up with 55 tickets and very little tears at the counter. Alaire got a tattoo that she had lost by the time we got home and Ellis got a little plastic alien with a parachute.


oma said...

Great reward for such hard work! I love watching their videos saying it! Only 2 more sleeps til Christmas!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Tell Ellis that the next time he comes to Cincinnati that we know where there is a CC...and I am pretty good at that bowling kind of game. He can have all my tickets.

Love the comment about Dad! Made me LOL!

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