Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Alaire's gum

A pack of strawberry shortcake sugar free gum (sounds delicious doesn't it!) came in the mail yesterday for us to sample. Ellis had gotten a birthday card in the mail so when Alaire asked if she had gotten mail too I just gave her the gum package. She is 3 now so she is allowed to chew gum and loves to tell you.

She asked if she could have a piece and I said, "yes just make sure when you are finished with it you put it in the trash." She kept asking me over and over which trash can to throw her gum in and I kept saying, "Alaire, I said the white trash can." (white is trash and green is recycle) About 15 minutes later I noticed that she was still chewing the gum. I was surprised because every other time she has had it she chews about 5 times and then spits it out. Upon her asking me again for the 13th time which trash can her gum went in I realized what was happening. There were 15 sticks of gum in the package and she had 2 left!! She was so proud!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I seem to remember Michael doing that one a trip home...only we found all the 'sugarless gum' tossed in the way back. Gross! He hasn't had gum since.

oma said...

That is a riot! Mayzee loves gum...however, Henry does not. In fact, he told me this week that if he were the President, he would make it a law that no one could have gum.