Monday, October 11, 2010

Let Me Translate That For You.

Alaire has a funny little accent and we have no idea where she picked it up. She pronounces any word with "an" as "ain." The whole family enjoys it so much that we now have a favorite sentence that we repeat at random times to make someone laugh.

"I caint touch my paints. I have rainch on my hainds."

Translation: I can't touch my pants. I have ranch on my hands.

She also now calls all babies "sweetie pie," but the "pie" is very drawn out and has a nice twangy sound to it..... a lot like how wammy says it!

1 comment:

Jan AKA Wammy said...

I love the ain's but Pappy is just a little upset that you didn't give him credit for the sweetie pie. Yes he calls her his sweetie pie but she does tend to say pie like everyone makes fun of me saying pie. But I love it!