Thursday, October 07, 2010

Cincy wedding week

I hope it is true that pictures are better than words when it comes to blog posts because this one is full of pictures!!

Ellis and Alaire (and mom and dad too) were more than ready last week for a trip to wammy and Pappy's house!

They did great on the plane. Trevor sat with them and I got to take a short snooze on the way there. Pappy picked us up and we went straight to Penn Station to mark one place off of the list.

Thursday morning we met Emmy, Ericka and their kids at the zoo for some fun. we were a little late so we didn't get to see a ton of animals but we did get to ride the train and carousel and have a slice of LaRosa's for lunch.

They loved the petting zoo. Auntie Em supplied the quarters and we all go to feed the goats.

Alaire was in heaven with Saffy and Ernie there.

Pied Piper Pappy leading the children in song on the train.

Ellis loves the eagles at our zoo so when he saw that the Cincy zoo had an eagle on their carousel he raced to ride it as soon as the door opened.

As we were leaving we saw a zoo keeper walking around with a baby boa constrictor in his arms. Alaire told me, "its okay mom. I'll touch it and you don't look."

Thursday night we celebrated Alaire's birthday at Chick-fil-a with a VERY pink birthday cake. I was asking her how much she liked her party when I took this picture.

Friday night was the wedding rehearsal. I didn't get any pictures from the actual rehearsal because I was running around trying to keep the crazies from being to crazy. The dinner was at the Montgomery Inn Boathouse, one of my all time favorite restaurants in Cincinnati.

Tini and Bryce did a great job picking out gifts for E and A. Ellis loves is bazooca nerf gun and I'm sure it comes as no surprise that Alaire hasn't taken off her pink princess attire.

The day of the wedding was pretty cold. Our family pictures just happened to be during the windiest and rainiest part of the day. Alaire cried and cried when we took her coat off of her so we just rolled with it and got some better pictures at the church. Hopefully those that got pictures will send them to me because this is all I have.

Ellis was so proud of his sharp suit. They both tried so hard to smile nicely and here is what we got. :) That is uncle Michael behind him playing jokes on him.

This is also our only picture from the day..... again, if you have pictures send them to me!!

They did great walking down the aisle. I was a little worried. Alaire was asleep up until about 30 minutes before the service and Ellis was very concerned about the speed at which they should walk. when it was their turn I put Alaire down to grab Ellis' arm and she said she didn't want to do this. I gave Ellis her flowers and helped her grab his arm and then Ellis gave her flowers back to her. I gave them a little push and told them to go look for Daddy. Alaire pulled Ellis all the way down the aisle and I hear the Ellis melted to tears in Trevor's arms saying she went to fast. I just laughed because it was the perfect display of their personalities.

The reception was at the westin hotel across from fountain square. I couldn't believe how well they both did. They were up so late both nights and they normal schedule was out the window.

Sunday morning Peep came over and we took some silly face pictures with him.

Sunday night my friend Sarah from Asbury came to visit with her three boys, Josiah, Elliott, and Hutson. we missed Ben but it was lots of fun. Pappy took us bowling and paid the kid team a dollar each because they beat the adult team. They could not have done it without Elliott who had the best score of everyone!

That night we had a delicious dinner and celebrated E's birthday with batman cake and ice cream. The fun lasted for even longer when we put all 5 kids in the basement for bed.

Monday morning we hung out with Sarah and the boys and then made a special trip to the Gap Outlet with Sarah.

Monday night we met Oma and Opa half-way for dinner. After dinner Karen asked our waitress if there was a fun place in town for the kids to play. we ended up at a small town "Chuck E. Cheese" sort of place. we played glow in the dark golf and then let the kids play games and jump in the inflatable.

Tuesday morning we took the crew to Shaw Farms in Milford to play around at the pumpkin patch. we also learned that Doodles has pockets!

After the pumpkin patch we introduced Trevor to Skyline. I warned him not to get to excited. I think you kind of have to live in Cincy for a while to learn to appreciate it. He said I was right but he was glad he finally go to try it.

Tuesday night we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant and then to a dark field near the High School to do some paper lanterns that Auntie Em has been holding onto for us. They were so cool! They are like hot air balloons and lasted in the sky forever. I think we are going to have to get some more for our trip to the beach next year.

when we got home we celebrated wammy's birthday with cupcakes from Sugar and presented her with her gift..... the only goat she will ever get! His name is BillyBo.

Wednesday was the day to return home. we took a few pictures with Pappy and wammy and then headed out the door. Our trip home was pretty uneventful and now it is time to readjust to life at home where we don't have cake for breakfast, we don't have constant entertainment and help for mom and dad, and we can't drive to Penn Station for lunch. :(


oma said...

Wow! Talk about jam-packed fun-filled weeks! What a chest full of memories you made! So glad you were able squeeze us in!! We had a blast!

The Shellabys said...

Wow! What a blog! The picture of A at the petting zoo is so cute! I love it! Looks like a great trip home! :)