Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Wammy and Michael's CO trip- Day 1

Wammy and Michael are here for the week. They brought us lots of fun treasures. The first one we have played with is window markers. Alaire loves them!!

This morning we were up bright and early to head over to the dirt track. Michael was really excited and he surprised Mom and I by going all out! The boys rode it about 5 or 6 times until....

This happened! They were going for a race and as soon as Ellis passed him he WAS NOT EXCITED. Michael got a little ahead of himself and crashed. I think his pride was a little more scraped up than his hand but it was enough to finish him for the morning.

Alaire was there to console him but we opted for a few minutes of rest before heading over to the pool.

The pool was a huge success for all! Ellis and Alaire were excited to show Wammy their diving board skills (video to the right) and Michael loved the big slide.

While the boys did the big slide Alaire asked if she could sit on my lap. She never does this so I know she was exhausted! She nearly fell asleep right there so we packed up and headed home for naps.

Bedtime has been interesting to say the least! All three of them are in Ellis' room.... with a little Wammy time before the shut eye. Tonight the three of them started off together but Ellis+exhaustion=disaster so we opted to move him to our room to fall asleep and then be moved to bed at a later time.


Anonymous said...

More pictures please!

oma said...

Looks like ALL are having a blast! Love it!

oma said...

Your new wallpaper is so colorful and upbeat... I like it!