Friday, May 21, 2010

Lots and lots of F-U-N!

We have been having lots of fun in the last few days. The weather is finally feeling like spring and we have been sure to enjoy it. E & A constantly want to be outside. Tonight they were playing princess and dragon. Of course, Alaire was the princess and Ellis was swinging on the dragon.

At some point the dragon decided to take them to the castle????

Lots of dirty kids means we have had lots of baths. This one was a bubble bath so they both asked for Santa beards.

We have also been doing some running through the sprinkler. You may remember our constant summer run-ins with our HOA over our lawn. Well, we have been very surprised that we have actually had three separate people stop and tell us how nice our yard looks. Let's hope we can keep it this way!!

This chick is constantly wanting to blow bubbles. She got all dressed for the sprinkler but then changed her mind and went with..... surprise...... bubbles.

She LOVES her new bike. Look at that cheesey grin!

There is a museum in town that runs a program for preschoolers called Discovery Days. They have themed crafts that kids can create mostly by themselves. This week they were making Father's Day crafts. It was like pulling teeth getting Ellis to make anything. They had frames, rocks to paint, desk organizers, and cards but all he wanted to do was paint his face.

She did make a frame, card, and paint a rock but then she went right back to her usual role as her brother's shadow and painted herself up as well.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Can we play princess and dragon when we come? And bubbles? and ride bikes? But I will have to think about the face painting stuff!

katy said...

I love the warmer weather! It looks like you all are having tons of fun this late Spring! Do you want to send some of that sunshine our way?! :)

The Shellabys said...

So fun! I am totally jealous of your nice weather! We will have to have some fun outside time when we come to visit! Great pictures.

oma said...

I'm so glad the weather has finally turned sunny! It won't be long until we think it is too hot... no doubt ... but let's enjoy it while we can! You always have fun with your kiddos..... even if it isn't sunny! That's just one of the many reasons you're such a great Mom!