Monday, May 17, 2010

Another Run-on

The boys went golfing today. Ellis has been asking again every time we drive past the golf course, which is nearly every day. Trevor has been asking just about as much as Ellis. :)

Ellis took this picture.

Alaire and I went out to dinner and then shopping for Rockies shirts for when Micheal and Wammy are here in a few weeks.

They said these are their tough guy faces.

I think this kid is serious about golf. I guess we should start looking for a real set of clubs.

We did a little yard sale shopping last weekend. We made two purchases and I think they are going to provide some great summer fun!! Alaire got a new bike for $10! I really didn't think she would be able to ride it yet but she proved me wrong.

Ellis got a ramp for his bike and scooter. As soon as I get a picture I will post..... but believe me he has been practicing!!

Alaire got her first real bike injury today. She was heading down the driveway with her brother's help and they took the curve a little to sharply and she took a dive.

Just a crazy after shower hair-do that dad made for Ellis.

"Mr Willllllson"

We had a bunch of rain early last week and Ellis was so excited to continue in the tradition of making boats to run down the side of the road.

Alaire loved joining in too. She wore the fire man's hat in order to keep the rain off of her head, you can imagine how well that worked!

We also had our first (of many I'm sure) smore nights with friends. They were so sticky when it was all over with. Sticky=F-U-N!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Serious golfers for sure by those looks.

S'mores when we come for sure!

Love the boats and rain gear.

Can't wait to get there!

Anonymous said...

Do your kids know that they are supposed to roast the marshmallows before eatting them?

Alaire needs a new helemt that fits her maybe Wammy can take care of that too.

Brother I am liking the scruff! Very nice indeed!

oma said...

I'm jealous! I haven't been golfing yet! Looks like good times for ALL in your pictures. Love it!
(Ellis is a pretty decent photographer!)

Holly said...

So fun to split the kids up and do fun things! Can you believe they are almost 5?! Our church will be at estes in a few weeks, but it is not our turn to go :( I could use some cool weather!

Pappy said...

Fore!! How long before Alaire is taking the ramp at full speed? Q Tip head!!