Monday, April 05, 2010

The zoo

Last Tuesday Andrea and I (and every other Denver mother) took the kids to the zoo. It was gorgeous outside and an absolutely perfect day to hang out together. (It was also spring break and very busy.) We didn't mind the busy because we got to see lots of animals, had a picnic in the shade, and got to finish off the day with a ride on the carousel.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Looks like by the smiles the day was a great success!

oma said...

Gotta love those happy faces! The Zoo is always a winner!

The Shellabys said...

I am still not use to seeing pictures of Ellis with short hair! He looks so much older now!
We are all a little jealous of your trip to the zoo... I have to say, spring weather in Washington is not as nice as it is in Colorado! Looks like you all had so much fun!

O'Pa Oakes said...

Hey, I like that haircut on Ellis. He still looks cute and like a boy to me! I love the last photo with them all leaning.

Holly said...

so fun... our zoo is nuts over spring break. I try to avoid all those places until after the break. I really like Ellis' haircut. He looks super cute and so much older!

emmy said...

Ellis looks alitttle like he might be in pain in that last picture!