Friday, April 09, 2010

Terrible Picture takers

I know this is terrible but these are the only pictures I have of my children on Easter Sunday. They don't even have their cute Easter clothes on. By the time I got around to picture taking Alaire had already added a huge stain to her dress and Ellis had changed his clothes. We did have fun at Easter lunch at Aunt Nancy and Uncle Ricks.

(I didn't even get one picture of them at the Egg Hunt after church.)

The Easter Bunny brought Ellis a helicopter that he has been saving up his money for. Alaire got some new white shoes to wear with her dress but apparently the Easter Bunny was a little jet lagged from her whirlwind trip to Aunt Sarah Beth's funeral and forgot what size Alaire wore because they were huge!


The Shellabys said...

I had the same problem with Easter pictures! But cute pictures anyway!! :)

emmy said...

I think they get there picture taking ability from Auntie Em.