Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Birthday weekend

** Updated to add the only picture from my birthday that I could recover.

I haven't posted anything about my birthday last Saturday because I can't figure out where the pictures are on my computer. I have decided to just go ahead and record it and then if I figure out the pictures I will add those later.

Saturday was my birthday but on Friday night Andrea, David and Ashley took us out for dinner to Texas Roadhouse. Ashley's birthday will be here in a few days so Andrea told the waitress it was both of our birthdays and Ashley took on for the team for me and rode the saddle. On Saturday I got to "sleep in" and listen to Ellis, Alaire and Trevor make my b-day cake. The kids thought it would be hilarious (or "alarious" as they say) to make me a dirt and snake cake. I played it up for them and then we enjoyed a little after our homemade waffle breakfast.

We got to go the the Rec. Center to go swimming after breakfast and Ellis and Alaire both got to go down the big twisty slide for the first time ever. After swimming the kids hit the hay and Andrea treated me to a manicure and pedicure. We had chick-fil-a for dinner before going to church. On Sunday Ashley came over for the day and we went to church, a gymnastics birthday party and watched movie before bed.

Monday morning we went to the Rec. Center again for more swimming and then we headed over to the Sutton's for the kids second sleep over in two days. David and Andrea had gone to the mountains the night before and Monday night it was our turn. We went shopping and had our favorite dinner from our favorite restaurant. I wish I had pictures of our hotel, it was so fun and probably the nicest hotel we have ever stayed in.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

If you can't find your pics I have the two that you sent me...and it does look really nice!

oma said...

Sounds like you had a pretty terrific birthday weekend! We thought the pictures of your hotel looked really special, too. Glad you had such a memorable time!!

oodrea1221 said...

I'm laying in this bed AGAIN! Maybe we'll get the coupons every month and you all can enjoy it again! :) Ashley & I are off to the hot tub and NOT-so-heated pool...glad she can semi-swim by herself!