Sunday, April 18, 2010

Excerpts from our Nightly Talk Time

Alternate Title: Bouncing Around in Alaire's Brain

I think I blogged some time ago about how we added an additional step to our nightly bed time routine, we call it "talk time." Originally we had hoped that we would alternate kids, lay in their beds with them and just talk. I'm sure it will morph into it's own thing sometime down the road but for now it is me with Alaire and Trevor with Ellis. The boys do questions that Trevor does his best to answer, but sometime his back up (Steve) has to be called in when they get a little heavy. The night when he asked, "How does electricity work and where does it come from?" was one of those nights. Tonight I could hear from the other room the two of them in a lengthy conversation followed by the singing of "Joy to the World."

Alaire has moved from her original, "You like snakes?" to a little more depth. Here is a little of what we talked about tonight:

C- "Alaire, who are your friends?"
A- "Jesus, (long pause, eyes drifting as if she is about to list more friends) and I'm going to marry Him"
C- "Oh, I bet He will like that"
A- "but where is He?"
C- "He is in heaven getting a place ready for you"
A- "and you to!?" " we play ring around the rosie there"
C- "What are you going to be when you grow up?"
A- (very matter of factly) "A fireman's pole."
C- "Anything else?"
A- "No but I ride in the policeman's car." (I'm praying this will be because she is stranded on the side of the road with a flat tire and not for some other reason.)
C- "Do you want to have babies when you get big?"
A- "A girl Allison and two boy Allisons."
C-"Where will you live?"
A- "Nana's house!"


katy said...

I love it! She is so adorable. :)

emmy said...

you got your self a really smart one there!

Erin said...

Hilarious! So, DO you like snakes?? :)

oma said...

Alaire is a real HOOT! I'm so glad you are writing these down..... they are priceless!!!