Monday, March 15, 2010

Week two part 1

Week two of our trip Emmy and I returned for Dad's birthday celebration. I became kind of lazy with picture taking so this is only parts of what we ended up doing but you can always check my mom's blog to fill in some of the blanks. She is also way ahead of me with her blogs so I'm sure I will give less detail than she has.

We started out the week with some unwanted action. Alaire, Auntie Em and I made a trip to children's hospital. I'm still not really sure what the exact story is, (Alaire says Ellis pushed her off of the couch and Ellis says Alaire was trying to jump from the chair to the couch) but Alaire got a pretty deep gash in her upper lip. It didn't bleed anywhere near the amount you would expect a lip wound to bleed but I still had blood on my face and on her clothes. My mom and I checked it out a few times and decided we better make our first trip to the ER. (I honestly can't believe she made it this long!)

We left with no stitches, a popsicle, and a prespricption for mouthwash. The doctor said she would only stitch in the mouth if there was a gaping hole and that Alaire would need to have lots of popsicles and ice cream in the next few days. I took that to mean that Alaire (and her mom) would need lots of ice cream, so we may a stop at UDF for a shake and a scoop before we headed home.
She did great getting her mouth cleaned out after every meal and the cut has almost completley healed already!

When we got back to Cincy from WV and because of our trip to the ER Alaire was a cuddle bug with me but I was missing my little guy. He would never actually say it but I could tell by his face when I told him I wanted to go on a date with him that he was excited. We went to Penn Station for lunch and then to Graeter's for ice cream. We hit these two spots every time we are home so as we were walking in to the restaraunt Ellis asked me to get him the same thing he always gets. I just laughed at how much he really is like me. We sat on the same side of the booth and he told me all about how he had gotten to go over to Luke's house with the big boys the day before.

Ice cream was fun too. He kept asking me about when I went to the same ice cream shop when I was little. He had the same thing he always had again (as did I) and then we headed back for naps.

Alaire was not happy about her Bubby getting to go on a date without her so Auntie Em came to the rescue and planned a date for the two of them the next day.
It was the perfect day for them to go on their date because it was also the day that Alaire finally got to wear her shiny pink tap shoes for keeping her Dora's dry. As you would expect she went all out in the pink department. She wore her pinkalicious dress, her shoes, and we even found a pink purse for her to carry her snacks in.

Emmy said she sat so still at the nail salon and seemed to love it. She even sat under the dryer, but finally said, "I no want to stay here." They had chick-fil-a for lunch and then made a stop at another of our favorite sweet spots, Sugar Cupcakery.

Emmy said when they walked in the door Alaire said, "They no have pink ones!" Thankfully she was okay with choosing another.
When they got home she was so excited to tell us all about her date but so worn out as well. After calling Daddy to tell him all about it she hit the sack hard.

The rest of the week we played outside, visited with friends, rode bikes and helped Wammy with the yard.

We even got to see Emmy's new kids that we already knew because they have been Erica's kids for a long time now. Saffy and Ernie are actually younger than Alaire but they are so big. We had lots of fun playing with them and can't wait to play again in the summer time!

Stay tuned for a visit with Danny and Andrew and some extra fun with Uncle Bryce, Tini, and all of the dogs!!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I still can't believe that she sat still to have her nails done!

ZIt's too quiet and calm. Marli is missing her friends...can't you come back?

katy said...

Wow, first trip to the ER, that's impressive. :) Glad to hear that Alaire's lip is okay! One of these times that you are in Cinci we will have to drive up to play for the morning, if you have the time! It would be great to see you and the kids. :)

The Purvis Family said...

I love that Alaire is shoveling dirt with a helmet on! She must have been multi tasking....shoveling, riding bikes, shoveling :) :)

PEEP said...