Monday, March 29, 2010

His New Wheels

I sold a bunch of stuff at a children's consignment sale this weekend. I told the kids that if they filled a big plastic bin with toys that they don't play with anymore I would let them go on the opening day and buy one new toy each.

As soon as we got there I saw a pair of trainer roller blades. Ellis has been talking about roller skates for a long time now so I calmly checked the prize, trying to hide my find because sometimes items can be way over priced. They were $5 so I said, "Hey Ellis how about these?" and held them up to show him.

His eyes about popped out of his head and we were finished with out toy picking in 2 minutes flat. We followed friends home and they gave us a pizza to take home for dinner. Ellis insisted on eating his pizza in the car so that he could skate as soon as we got home.

He isn't the most graceful thing you have ever seen but he is committed to practice. I think since purchasing them he has had them off of his feet for nothing more than sleeping, meals and bathing.


maren said...

What an awesome find - Ellis looks great! :o) Love the "egged" idea too... so fun!

oma said...

Are you going to take some video of Ellis during his learning process? What did Alaire choose as her toy?

The "Egged" idea is great! (Reminds me of "Forking" the Main's in Lamar and putting up a "FORk SALE" sign in their yard! Candy wasn't part of it. I'm sure Ellis and Alaire's friends liked their surprise better!)