Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Valentines Party at E's School

We all got to go to Ellis' school for the last hour of last Friday's class to participate in his Valentine's party. Alaire was soooo excited to go to school and Ellis was happy to have her. He even poured her juice for her at snack time. :)

His teacher had lots of fun stuff for the kids to do. They read books, made a "thumb body love you" craft, and sang a silly song about an elephant sitting on them.

Ellis was really excited to show Trevor a dice game he like to play. He wouldn't even look up for a picture. He was to busy getting everything together. His teacher said he plays it every day.

These are the valentines we made for his friends. We actually came up with the melted crayon hearts on our own and were just going to carve "Love, Ellis" into the back but I was messing around on the internet looking at craft blogs one day and I found this. It was so easy to print and I think it added a lot.
I was glad we went with the crayons because the rest of the back was full of candy!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I think you have a gift of a preschool teacher in you blood. I love the heart crayone. We made the just plain muffin time rounf ones. I like your better. REally impressive. Looks like everyone is having a blast.

katy said...

Seriously cute! Now I have an idea for Valentines next year. :) I love Alaire's little wrap, by the way.

Anonymous said...

BEST valentines EVER they look so professional!

oma said...

I love the melted crayons heart Valentines Ellis made for his classmates! What a fun memory for him!

oma said...

Also thought it was so sweet to hear how excited Ellis was to share his class party with his little sister!