Friday, February 19, 2010

Ellis' Haircut

Ellis has been asking for a haircut like dad's for a few weeks now. I thought it might just be a phase but every day the whining while I'm combing has just gotten worse. Tonight we went for it.... it will grow back is what I keep telling myself.

I actually really like the front but I'm not sure about the back just yet. He hasn't ever had a "boy" haircut before. He wanted me to shave it but I just knew I couldn't handle that. We will go with this for now and see if he can warm me up.

We actually had a lot going on today but this was the major happening. I will save the rest for another post.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

He looks so much different! Can't wait to see waht it looks like in the morning when it is dry and he has slept on it all night. If he had a haircut like his Dad his head might freeze right now. Think I would hold off until the summer for that one. And it is just will grow back.

Anonymous said...

He looks like such a big boy! I love it! He does look a little shocked, maybe he needs to warm up to the fact too! :o)

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

He looks so handsome!

The Purvis Family said...

He looks so grown up! Cute :)

Andrea said...

He's so cute! He looks a little concerned in that last picture. =)

oma said...

Ellis is such a handsome boy! With the old hair and the new hair cut! (Wait till he wants to dye it! That would be just like his Dad, too! he, he)

The Shellabys said...

WOW! I love it! Everyone needs a hair change once in a while! :) It looks really good.

Erin said...

He is so handsome! Both my boys are ready for this, just not sure I am!