Monday, February 15, 2010

Monster Jam

We can officially say we have been to Monster Jam. I will say it was funny.... in so many ways. We chose to leave Alaire at home and let Ellis bring friend. After being there for about 10 minutes Trevor and I knew we had made a good decision. Alaire would have been bored very quickly but Cade and Ellis had a blast together.

I think Ellis thought it was awesome, so awesome that he said he couldn't pick a favorite. There were 6 Monster trucks there and Ellis' favorite, Grave Digger was one of the 6. In between the monster truck "races" they did 4-wheeler races. When half time was over they did a dirt bike show where the rode a really skinny ramp and jumped and did a trick onto the next ramp. I thought I was going to have a heart attack when I saw the first trick but the boys (young and old) loved it!

We also had lots of snacks to keep us busy. Cade had a rainbow snow cone that was bigger than his head. It took him almost the entire time we were there to eat it and almost as soon as he finished it he started falling asleep. Ellis stole the cotton candy that Trevor got me and then we all shared a huge bucket of popcorn.

I think he is watching the motorcyclist do a mid-air flip and I really hope he wasn't thinking, "I wanna try that!"

I was trying to get a picture of Trevor' shirt. He kept standing up acting crazy trying to get my creation on the screens.

There is Cade's snow cone again! Towards the end of it Trevor showed him how he could just drink it straight from the cup.


oma said...

I was wondering how all of you liked the Monster Jam.
Sounds like fun was had by all. (Cade's snowcone was gigantic!) It was a good thing you had ear protection for the boys! It really WAS loud!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

What fun! Two little boys that I know will tell the story of going to Mosnter Jam for many years to come. It might be one of those stories that lasts and changes everytime it is told. Kinda like the fish story that the length of the fish keeps changing. How great that they got to go. All your 'creations' look great! Love the video!

maren said...


Anonymous said...

way to save those boys hearing!!!! they look AWESOME!!! And check Ellis out in that vieo "riding" the dirt bike!

Holly said...

hilarious.. mike would love monster jam. i saw it was coming to Dallas! I love Trevor's face in the pic...