Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Our new table- What a find!!

Trevor just reminded me that I never blogged about our huge Goodwill score.

We have been looking for a Goodwill in this one certain area of town for some time now. I knew it was there we just could not find it no matter how many times we attempted. When Trevor's parents were here they offered to watch the kids one night so that we could go see a movie. We opted instead for dinner and we thought coffee, but as soon as we crested the hill to Starbucks I saw it! It was like a light shone down from heaven "ahhhhh" there it was. We did drive through coffee and headed right over.

I went straight to the back to the furniture section and the table and four chairs (with a sign saying there were two more chairs) was the first thing I saw. The price tag said $15. I thought that was to good to be true but grabbed the SOLD tag just in case. We are now proud new owners of a white table and 4 chairs (the other two were already gone) that we have been wanting for some time now.

The old set we had, my dad bought me when I moved into my first apt. after college. We had them at our first youth ministry in VA and after a game "Scoot your Buns" at small group one night they really never were the same.

We plan on doing some painting to the new set eventually but for now we are just glad that when guests come over and sit down they won't ask, "Am I going to break this?"


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I love it! Love me some good Goodwill stores.

katy said...

Awesome! What a great find!

And I love hearing the toddler talk. :) It's my favorite!

oma said...

The table and chairs are great! What a deal!!

Loved listenin' in on some of that "talk-time"!

Hey, Wammy, our grandkids are sure awesome! Wouldn't you agree?!

The Purvis Family said...

LOVE IT :) enough said.

Jan AKA Wammy said...

O'Ma...they are the greatest for sure!

I'm thinking a table runner down the center...maybe chair pads to match....