Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Oakes General Store

Trevor let the crazies bring the tricycle inside today. There is too much snow still on the ground to really do much of anything outside. I attempted to take them to Bounce Town yesterday but the door was locked and there was a sign that read, "FULL." I guess a lot of parents were ready to get out of the house.

When Trevor came home for lunch today he also made them an "Oakes General Store" out of a box they have been coloring on for a few days. They think it is the greatest. They have Alaire's new cash register set up on the counter and are buying all kinds of books from each other.

He even installed a hook for them to hang the register key on. Something tells me we are going to have a cardboard box added to our living room decor for a few weeks.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

At least they haven't asked to sleep in it yet? Don't you remember makinga village out of refiegerator boxes outside and you,Jimmy and Michael Paul and of course Emmy making them into houses? I am sure that I can find some pictures somewhere.....

oma said...

Trevor and his brothers made a house out of a refrig. box and had it in the living room in Denver for quite a long time. They also made a race car out of another box and would try to ride it down the stairs to the basement!!! Good indoor fun! I always liked it when they used their imaginations to create their own fun.
It also helped me keep sane on long winter days.