Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Day

Christmas day was probably our best yet! Ellis had so much fun. He woke up at 6:30 and snuggled up in our bed watching PBS Christmas specials until we woke Alaire up at 7:30. Before going downstairs I asked him how excited he was and he said, "Mom, I'm like sixty excited!"

He told us he has three favorite presents. The remote control Monster Truck from Oma and Opa, the mini skateboard from Alaire (that is already broken), and the remote control car from Pappy and Wammy that can run up the wall.

I was nervous he would hurt my feelings if he was to get upset about not getting all that he wanted so when Trevor asked him if there was anything Santa forgot and he said, "Nope, I don't think so. Mom is there?" I told him he was my favorite little boy ever. (I tell him that a lot!)

Alaire had lots of fun this Christmas too. As the second child I think she just runs off of the hype that her big brother creates. Her favorite gifts were her baby (a last minute Christmas Eve dollar store purchase by her parents), her high heels from bubby, the pink chucks from Pappy and Wammy and her cash register from Oma and Opa.

After the opening Trevor said he was felling a little over stimulated from all of the mess and we thought the kids were feeling the same. It was kind of funny to watch them. They were just walking around the house not really knowing what to do next just popping from place to place.
We cleaned up the mess and helped them both pick one activity to do and then put all of the other stuff away.
Ellis chose to paint his wooden airplane model and Alaire chose to paint her nails.

The nails only lasted a few minutes so she moved on to coloring her huge Dora coloring pages.

Trevor and I decided not to spend money buying each other gifts this year but we did decide to spend a little extra at the grocery store this week so that we could have a nice Christmas dinner. After naps we made the best meal we have ever made ourselves! Almost all of the recipes came from the Pioneer Woman's cookbook. We had Flat Iron steaks with Whiskey Cream sauce, mashed potatoes, onion straws, and salad with homemade blue cheese dressing. It was the next best thing to our favorite dinner at Maggiano's.


oma said...

Your Christmas sounds sooo fun! Thanks for sharing it with us!! Love and Miss you tons!

katy said...

Very sweet! Good idea about cleaning up the mess and putting things away. We ended up putting Kendra down for her nap early because she was just too overstimulated. It sounds like you all had a great Christmas! :)

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Dinner looks delicious...what page do I need to go to in the cookbook? Love the toenails! And bless Trevor for letting Ellis make his plane himself.

Holly said...

oh how yummy....i have to get the cookbook for sure. our kids were nuts as well with way to much stimulation. our cash register was a big hit. we love to play store etc...