Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve '09

Christmas Eve was as busy as usual around here. The kids sang in two Christmas Eve services. (I forgot my camera so if any readers have any pictures I would love a copy!) Alaire joined the ranks with her Auntie Em and fell off the back of the risers in her debut performance. She thankfully, wasn't injured at all it just scared her. During "talk time" last night she said, "Mommy I want to touch that tree" (the one she was reaching for behind her) "but I hit my head. I scared."

The scared feelings didn't last long. When we got home we had a quick dinner and then decorated Santa's cookies.

I just added this for my self. I made the bow in her hair and I love it. Trevor bought me the vintage ribbon in Charlottesville for our first Christmas. I have been holding on to it ever since. I am so glad I was finally able to cut it.

I can't get over how old Ellis seemed this Christmas. He was so excited about everything!

Ellis' buddy Hannah made him a bag of reindeer food. He was very serious about how it should be spread and where the reindeer actually land.

Alaire got to spread some too!

The best attempt at a picture of them with the snacks for Santa and Rudolph.

We open one present on Christmas Eve. They are always new pj's. This year Pappy and Wammy sent the pj's. Alaire got Dora ones. As soon as she saw them she stood up and held them against her body and said, "They match me. I wear them."

Ellis got pirate pj's and he has been wearing them for more than 24 hrs. now.

Before the morning explosion!

Trevor made an ornament for each of us this year and I think they are my favorite Christmas present this year. I LOVE them. They have our names on them and our favorite candy, or for Trevor salt, in them. Alaire's has Mike and Ikes (which she calls Jelly Beans), Ellis' has bubble gum, mine has lemon heads and Trevor's has sunflower seeds and pistachio shells. The middle bulb says Oakes and has a little of everything in it.


Anonymous said...

i love the ornaments, great idea for next year maybe (kudos to trev!) - the bow is beautiful! - and your christmas seemed very sweet :) God is GOOD! love y'all!

oma said...

What great memories you a making with Ellis and Alaire! You need a movie camera to capture all the fun and excitement!
Trevor did great on the ornaments..... and you did great on Alaire's Christmas Bow!