Sunday, October 11, 2009

Potty Update!

This happens to be a picture of Alaire saying, "I did it!" The potty princess has continued her quest. Today she even went potty at a restaurant!

We continue to have plenty of accidents and I have yet to put panties on her. She is either in a diaper while we are out or bare bummed at home. It seems to be working for us because the only accidents have happened in her diaper. Maybe we will shoot for the moon tomorrow (while we are home) and wear the Doras!!

Wish us luck!


Anonymous said...

WOW! I can't believe she is already doing so good! Way to go Alaire! She is just too darn cute! I can't believe you already had snow too...definitely not jealous of that.

oma said...

What a smart little girl! Way to go Alaire!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Not to worry...more Dor's on the way via The Box Boy...look for them on Thursday!