Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Operation Christmas Child

We got our Operation Christmas Child boxes last Sunday and I was so excited to experience it with the kids again this year that we went to fill them on Monday! I remember having so much fun with Ellis last year shopping for his Christmas Boy.

Wow, what a difference a year makes! I have to say that I must take some of the blame. I probably should have taken a little more time to explain the whole idea to them. I'm not sure that Alaire can really grasp any of the actual concept of giving. I wanted so badly for them to search and search for the "perfect" gift to give away. I'm not sure who I was kidding. Ellis did say he thought his Christmas boy would like 2 race cars but before we were even out of Target he was asking if he could keep one for himself.

After naps we started fresh. The packing went much better than the shopping. Ellis even asked me to pack the cars on the top of his box, "so the Christmas boy can see them right when he opens it. He is going to love it mom!"

Alaire still didn't really get it but when I told her to kiss the baby bye bye, that she was going to give it to her Christmas girl she did it and seemed happy too.

I have saved the boxes for a little while and I think I'm going to have them make cards to go inside. Maybe we can do a little review as to why we did this in the first place too.

Here is what our Christmas girl is getting:
outfit, 2 toothbrushes, toothpaste, doll, hair ponies, doodle pad, Kitty Cat panties, and a harmonica

Our Christmas Boy is getting: paint by number set, two hot wheels, deigo underwear, toothpaste, 2 toothbrushes, doodle pad, winter hat, long sleeve shirt.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Sorry about the deleted post...I love that you do this with them. What a great lesson to learn...even if they don't fully understand it yet! I love the pic of Alaire kissing her baby bye bye...too cute!

O'Pa said...

That was really precious. That is a neat idea. We support a 10 year old girl in Haiti with Compassion Intl. Good idea. O'Pa

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Better put it up high or I am afraid someone else might be playing with the cars and loving on the baby...or even wearing the new undies!

Do you remember doing Christmas boxes at BHBC?

oma said...

What a great way for them to learn to think of others during the holidays! Keep up the great parenting!!!