Friday, November 07, 2008

The Christmas Boy

I'm starting a new Christmas tradition for our family. I haven't really told Trevor yet but I know that he will love it. 

Last week at church I picked up a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child. I have never done one before but I was thinking it would be an easy thing to do with Ellis that would hopefully teach him to look a little past just himself. After reading all of the Compassion DR Blogs this week I started to really look forward to finding things for our Christmas child.

Oh my goodness, we had so much fun today finding things to fill up our box, and fill it we did, almost to overflowing. When I explained it to him I told him that there was another little boy that was just like him that lives far away and his mommy and daddy aren't able to buy him lots of the stuff that we are able to buy Ellis. Just as I was finishing up the explanation he said "oh okay mom, lets get our Christmas boy a light up shirt." I had no idea what he was talking about but he led me right to them. Our Christmas boy is getting a box with a Mickey Mouse light up shirt, jeans, a pkg. of under shirts, a pkg. of underwear, matchbox cars, a magna doodle, candy, a squishy baseball, and an orange recorder. On our way home after shopping Ellis was munching on goldfish and asked if the "Christmas boy" liked goldfish. I said probably so, he is a lot like you. "Well, then we better save some room for goldfish."

I packed up the box while Ellis was napping so when he woke up he wanted to unpack it and check out all of the stuff for the "Christmas boy" one more time. He played with the cars for a minute and then we packed it back up. As I was putting the recorder back into the box he said, "oh mommy, that Christmas boy is going to love his new instrument!" 


Jan AKA Wammy said...

The title of thisone should be The Christmas Boy. Ellis made my heart happy and my eye leak.

Anonymous said...

That is a fabulous idea and I love how excited he got while doing it! THeir new birthday gift looks tons of fun...good luck finding a home for it!

Anonymous said...

lucky Christmas boy! I'm glad Ellis had fun!


Katie R said...

that is precious!

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of Ellis and his Mom! Knowing Eillis is learning compassion for others at such an early age does my heart good, too.

Meghan said...

Maggie always enjoys doing the box's as well...but I am amazed at how much you got in your box!! I am never able to pack that much in my shoebox....what is your trick???

Kathy said...

the christmas boy.....precious.