Sunday, October 11, 2009

First Snow

We had our first snow on Saturday morning. It was only about an inch but if it covers the grass we are all about going outside for a sled ride. Poor Trevor is stuck running the sled around the yard and is beat by the time we make it inside, but the kids love every minute of it!

Alaire seemed to love it, although as the winter brings deeper snow falls I'm pretty sure she is going to have trouble moving around in all of her garb.

Ellis of course could not stop talking about it and keeps asking when there will be more.

I loved the few minutes we were outside in it and could possibly have fun one more time but by then I would say I have had my fill. To bad this is CO and that will never happen.


Pappy said...

Great pic at the end. Maybe I will use it as a tutorial for our shot for the infamous family Christmas Card picture.

Anonymous said...

ok. a little JEALOUS down here in the still-80-90-degree-weather... we are still swatting mosquitos for heaven's sake! i'm waiting until i need to wear pants to take the kids to the pumpkin patch... these are cute pics of a great family :)

O'Pa said...

Hey! You aren't supposed to have snow yet! Wow, that is early even for Colorado. We may catch you soon however. Neat pics. Wish we could be out there too. Love, O'Pa

Jan AKA Wammy said...

You lucky dogs! I LOVE the snow! Any snow angels?

And Pappy is sooooo funny!

Holly said...

what a great picture and we might get one inch the entire year. E and A would LOVE it! I think I would get tired of the mess and snow clothes!