Friday, October 16, 2009

Birthday in full detail

Alaire turned two yesterday, although if you asked her how old she was she would either say, "3" or "lots!"

We woke up in the morning and started our day off with cinnamon rolls and a b-day hat. At that point, no matter how many times we sand her happy birthday, she was still saying, "my birfday comin' up!"

She ate her birthday breakfast in her birthday suit. Remember she is potty training and she did not want to put any clothes in after I took her diaper off.

After breakfast she had Daddy add a few more kitty cats to her crown.

Alaire and I got ready for the day and Ellis and Dad set up her scooter in the living room. We got the scooter at Goodwill for $5 about a month ago. They both saw us buy it but once I hid it Alaire forgot all about it. Ellis has been so excited about it because he knew where we hid it and has been keeping the secret this whole time.

After a few scooter rides out in the driveway we packed up and headed to the Anderson Farms pumpkin patch. We had a blast! Alaire loved the goats and she even got kissed by a baby goat! We also saw cows, donkeys, bulls, a buffalo named Miles, ducks, chickens, llamas, and sheep.

We went for a barrel train ride. They were incredibly hard for Trevor and I to get into but Ellis and Alaire loved them. We liked them so much that we went for two rides. The barrels were pulled throughout the farm by a riding lawn mower.

On our tractor ride out to the pumpkin patch we got to feed a bull that had really stinky breath. He sneezed right when Alaire gave him her nugget and I'm pretty sure that was the only thing she didn't like about her birthday.

Alaire, Ellis, and I all got to pick a pumpkin. I got a little orange one, Ellis got a small green and orange one, and Alaire got the white and orange striped gourd she is holding in this picture.

30+ acres of pumpkins!

He had her in a headlock through the singing of Happy Birthday but she seemed to be enjoying the affection. We made two HUGE cupcakes for both Alaire and Ellis with Doras and sprinkles on them.

I think she had a great day and what is even better is that the birthday just keeps going with presents coming in the mail and by visitors we will soon see.


maren said...

Happy Birthday to Alaire!!! Looks like a blast! :o)

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Where is that stinkin' box boy?

Looks like a great the crown.

I'm thinking pilgrim hats and native american headdress this Thanksgiving.

oma said...

You can tell from the look on her face that she is having an exciting day! The pumpkin patch had a lot of fun activities! (Stinky animal breath can be pretty horrible!) [Ellis' voice seemed pretty excited about it all, too, when we called! Brought back memories of our 3 when they were that age.]

katy said...

Happy Birthday Alaire! :) I love her barrette, so cute!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Alaire! Looks like such a great day! She is SO stinkin' cute!

Erin said...

Happy Birthday to Alaire! What a fun day. :)