Thursday, September 10, 2009

Labor Day '09

Labor day was a busy day at our house. We invited our church buddies/neighbors to come to the dirt track with us and then we all (in our team attire) hit up chick-fil-a for a free sandwich.

Trevor took is bike this time and the two of us took our first rides around the track. The first hill I did I thought my heart was going to come out of my chest. I couldn't believe that Ellis actually liked doing this. It is so scary, no wonder he has a hard time psyching himself up to peddle up the bigger hills!!

Evan of course loved it. When he got in the car to go to lunch he told his mom and dad he was going to go back there every day.

I love all of the pictures of Ellis. He has his tongue out to help him concentrate. Just like dad!

He has also now decided that he is a Steelers fan?? We don't really know where this has come from except that my cousin gave him a Steelers uniform that he thinks is really cool. Not to worry though, he told Trevor that when the Steelers aren't on he will cheer for the Broncos. Wonder what he will do if they play each other this year?

Taya and Alaire didn't last long on the track. They had much more fun hanging out together talking about who knows what on the playground.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Not so easy you say. I'm telling you I see a real dirt bike, the one with a motor in that boys future.

Love Alaire's hair!

maren said...

Looks like tons of fun - and everyone loves free chick-fil-a! :o) Alaire's pigtails look adorable- good job, you!!!

oma said...

Looks like you had a great time! (Hope Ellis doesn't get into the "motorcross" bike thing... that idea gives me the chills!.... He does, after all, seem to be his daddy's son ... and we know what always happened to dare-devil daddy!!! lol)

Anonymous said...

you need to burn that Steeler's outfit - that's awful and negligent parenting! How could you allow that in your home? I'm shocked and disappointed. Young minds are very easily moldable and you should really protect them.

A Concerned Uncle

The Shellabys said...

Super fun pictures! The track looks like so much fun! Was chick-fil-a crazy? I can only imagine!! Sounds like a fun day for you guys... we would have joined if we weren't in Kansas... and if we didn't live in OK! :) miss you guys!!

Pappy said...

Pappy is going to be sending some Who Dey gear for both of them. With those pig tails I can just see Alaire doing spirit fingers and yelling touchdown bengals. Ask Ellis if he knows who OCHOCINCO is.

Holly said...

amazing...I can't believe he can ride it so good.. we are just now really accomplishing the tricycle! He might be on the X Games some day. Mike's 2nd favorite thing to watch behind bball!