Sunday, September 06, 2009

Boys Bunk Bed Sleep over

Ellis and Trevor had a bunk bed sleep over last night. He was so wired that it took him nearly 2 hrs. to fall asleep.

Trevor took his iphone in there with him and texted me a few of the highlights because as soon as it was lights out I was kicked out of the room. Here is just a little of what went on.

  • They looked a picture book and played I Spy.
  • He said at least ten times, "Dad I love sleepovers."
  • E: "Hey Dad, want the moon remote?" (The moon night light above his head in the picture has a remote.)
T: "Sure buddy."

E: "Here it comes."
Trevor reaches his hand as high as possible and Ellis drops it. It bounces off of the wood hits the wall and then Trevor's head before falling to the floor.

E: "Don't worry, I'll get it dad." (He comes down from the top for the 14th time and crawls under the bed to retrieve the remote.)
  • Ellis goes to the bathroom and then from the bathroom starts freaking out about poop being on his finger and underwear. Trevor thinking the worst bursts out of bed to assist only to find the tiniest speck of poop on underwear and said finger.
  • Upon returning from the bathroom Ellis asks dad if he needs to poop and reassures him that it is okay if he does because the rules are you can go out of your room if you have to go to the bathroom.
The funniest moment to me was when Trevor texted me about 15 minutes in and said, "This isn't going to be over anytime soon."

When Ellis did finally fall asleep Trevor went to his own bed and set an alarm for 6:20 so he could return to the bottom bunk before Ellis woke up at his normal 6:30 wake up time. When I asked him this morning how it went Ellis said, "oh Mom it was awesome!"


oma said...

That was some sleep over! Opa said, "Sounds like a guys night out." Great to have Trevor telling you about it through his iphone so you didn't miss out. Ellis cracks me up!! He is so helpful!?!

Andrea said...

That is so cute! I love those daddy-son moments...and I love that he texted you throughout!

Kathy said...

hilarious! and what a great Daddy

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Crack me up!