Tuesday, August 11, 2009

More Blogging in Pictures (with some words)

Alaire had her first pig tails today. She was so darn cute I couldn't get enough of her. She LOVED them. She would walk around and say, "My ponies Mom, my ponies!" I know you can't really see them in the picture but you can tell how proud she is. I have a video I will try to upload later.

I bought a bike seat for Alaire a few months ago at a yard sale. It was $3 but when we first tried to put it on we thought it wouldn't work. Trevor tried it again about a week ago and was able to figure it out this time. She loves her seat and we are now taking at least two rides around the neighborhood a day.

This little dude is the leader of the bike brigade. He is always wanting to race and is dying to have a bike with hand brakes!!

Just another day in the dog house!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I love the ponies! Peep calls them dog ears but we call them piggies. Who cares what you call them...they are pretty darn cute on that little smile. The dog house pic is priceless. Must be in their bloog because their Wammy and Great Aunt RaRe used to play in the neighbors dog pen.

Anonymous said...

She does look so darn cute even though we can't see the ponies really good! You def make me want to get out and do more active things b/c lord knows I don't! Looks like lots of fun!

oma & Aria said...

I love Ellis and Alaire! And I like the pictures and the way the way the dog house looks and I like the pictures and ........ I love you! That's it!

Andrea said...

OK, is Ellis seriously riding a two-wheeler? I didn't see training wheels!

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

I love the pigtails! They look so cute in the doghouse together.