Saturday, August 08, 2009

Week in photo

Not much blogging going on here but I know at least the grandparents will appreciate the pictures!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

And love them we do!

oma said...

We really do!

katy said...

Cute pictures as always! Alaire's hair is getting so long! I can't believe that she is almost two, how is the time flying so fast?!

The Purvis Family said...

good to see pictures! love the last one of alaire :) i haven't blogged in forever, but i still look at yours all the keep up the good work!

sheltonfamily said...

so cute.... love Alaire's pigtails... anna loves to pull them out and frustrate her mommy. Their hair looks more blonde from the sun!

maren said...

Seriously... I LOVE Alaire's camera smile... so fabulous!