Sunday, August 16, 2009

BMX Baby!

About a month ago we did a little "Ellis family" exploration of near by parts of town that we have never been to. We made two HUGE discoveries on our little excursion; one was a fun park and the other was the BMX dirt track.

Trevor took Ellis to the track last weekend and they watched a race and played around for a little bit but when they went back today they did some real riding.

They came home for dinner, picked up me and Alaire and combed the neighborhood for any more takers. We came away with Lane and and Lisa. Neither of them had ever been there before but by the time we were in the car returning home they were both saying that they were going back tomorrow with their moms.

Ellis had so much fun! He could do almost the entire thing all by himself except for two hills that Trevor would boost him over. I think if he had the next size bike he would have mastered it. His little legs peddle as fast as they can and he can't stop smiling! I overheard two teenage boys that were there say, "look at that kid go over the bumps. I couldn't even had ridden over those at that age with training wheels."

Now that is a fun free night out on the town. I can't even imagine what it will be like out there when Alaire is riding the course!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I'd say two thumbs up. That looks like some great bike riding...where did he learn that? Don't you just wish Luke, Michael and Skyler could come and ride...that would be a hoot!

Anonymous said...

Ellis rocks! I knew watching all those bike races on tv would pay off eventually! Hammer time!!

oma said...

Ellis' smile just won't quit!! Glad he is learning to wear a helmet! Where was Alaire during all this wheel turning?
What a beautiful day for riding a bike.... wish we were there!

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

I can't believe he's riding all of that and that he's riding without training wheels at all! That looks so fun.

The Purvis Family said...

he looks so big riding that bike especially up and down those hills! good job ellis :) his shirt!