Friday, July 10, 2009

Our 4th

We went to a party on the evening of the 3rd to celebrate and watch fireworks. What a difference a yr. makes. Ellis was so excited this year and talked through the whole show. This could be because his hero David Depler was there but I take whatever I can get.

The morning of the 4th I was in the Fourth at Firestone parade with a bunch of people from church. Our churches summer theme is the Summer of Love so we all had our t-shirts on, walked behind the Love Bus (an orange VW bus that has painted flowers all over it) and passed out pinwheels to all of the kids along the route. By the time we got to Ellis and Alaire we were almost out of pinwheels so they were lucky this Mommy had stashed 2 in her back pocket just in case.

We weren't sure what to do for that evening since we had already seen fireworks the night before. Ellis has talked for months that he wanted to take Auntie Em to Chucky Cheese when she comes so when we called and they had normal hours we were in. We pretty much had the entire place to ourselves and they loved it.


Anonymous said...

check out those SWEET shirts dude!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

I'll agree...nice shirts. I think they must have been designed by Auntie Em...I've seen that pattern before.

oodrea1221 said...

Who is the anonymous shirt giver?! :) I wish I could have met Aunt Em...hopefully next time (thank you for taking my kids on Monday too Em)! Which Chuck E Cheese did you guys go to? The one in Ft Collins is a old...but I heard there was another one--maybe in Lousiville? We should go sometime when it's too hot or too cold to do stuff outside!