Saturday, July 04, 2009

Estes with Em

Auntie Em is here visiting this week. She flew home with us and is now experiencing the joys of reorienting a 1 & 3 yr. old to their schedule and a new time zone. Ah the joy!

We took her up to Estes yesterday and walked around Bear Lake, had a picnic in the National Park, strolled around the shops downtown, and had dinner at a Mexican restaurant up there. I think we all had fun, but Trevor did say that all that we did in one day of vacation would be all that the Oakes would do in their entire week of vacation. I think we wore him out!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Can't believe that you didn't sit on the porch at the YMCA of The my cat's meow!

oma said...

What a beautiful day you had in Estes Park!

Holly said...

so cute...just about to be one year ago that we got to enjoy CO with you all! I was cracking up about an "oakes family" story. I think we would do about that much in one day!