Sunday, July 26, 2009

Looking forward to "back to normal"

July has been an incredibly busy month at our house. Not only have we had lots of family here visiting, Trevor has had a few day trips with the students and I have had 3 large children's events to prepare for and pull off. We have enjoyed the business but I'm ready for a little more of a normal schedule.

Last Thursday was the last of the Tri-Towns FUNtastic Family Nights in the park. The theme was Capes and Crowns and I think Ellis and Alaire really enjoyed themselves! I made them both capes which they both seemed to like but unfortunately I didn't get either of their pictures in them. Not to worry though, I'm sure they will be "flying" in the another day soon so I'll snap a shot then. The picture to the left is the two of them in the carnival photo board Trevor painted for me. I love how it turned out and kids were so excited to have their picture emailed to them.

There were lots of carnival games for them to play and earn tickets at that they could use to go down a 24 foot dual inflatable slide or jump in the jump castle. Trevor was a champ through it all. He played games with Ellis and Alaire, followed them around and even went down the slide so that I could be free if the volunteers needed anything.

Ellis talked about it all day long before the event began. He wasn't supposed to wear his "Super E" shirt and cape until after he woke up from his nap but he ended up wearing it most of the morning because he said it made him ride his bike faster.

I just love those little smiles!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I'm tired jsut reading the post! Sounds like tons of fun! And I wonder how long the smiles will be like tht...long time I hope!

Erin said...

Such cute faces! Really showing off their cheeks. :) My cousin's hubby is a youth pastor too, and she's always saying how summers get CRAZY with all the trips and events, especially with having small children at home. Hope you get some serious relaxation in, too! :)

oma said...

I couldn't keep from grinning and chuckling when I saw your pictures! Those two just make me happy!

Kathy said...

your kids are SO cute!! i love watching them grow up via ur blog. those smiles are hilarious