Friday, July 31, 2009

Daddy's B-day

Yesterday was Trevor's 32nd birthday. He says next year he is going to be his favorite number and it is going to be a good year.

This year's bday was pretty low key... at this age it is all about the kids anyway.

Alaire made daddy's cupcakes while Ellis was still napping.

Ellis decorated them with Hot Wheels race cars that he now says will be on his 1st cake, you know he is having 2.

We pretty much had cupcakes for dinner because we ate them at about 5 p.m. and hadn't even thought about dinner yet.

After dinner (yes, they did eat dinner!) we had a fire pit and ate smores. As a good friend put it, this has been the best week of my kids lives!


O'Pa said...

Looks like you had a fun time for Trevor's B-Day. I like the one of Alaire with all the marshmellow on her face. Cute. Wish we could have been with you. Our love, O'Pa

Jan AKA Wammy said...

It's a campfire not a fire pit. Michael says that it is totally hilarious that you use the wrong words all the time. Looks like a really great birthday! Would you please ask your kids, my grandkids, if they would make my birthday cake this year.

The Shellabys said...

Super fun pictures! Ireland and Chloe would be so jealous if they knew that your kids got cupcakes and smores all in one day! Lucky kids! :)

maren said...

looks like a fun bday - especially for the kids! :o) you are so right... it's definitely all about this kids at this age (and that's huge coming from me - i love my birthday!) super cute!