Saturday, July 04, 2009

Curt and Katelyn's wedding

Our last weekend in Cincy we took a little road trip to WV for my cousin Katelyn's wedding. 

We stopped about 2 minutes after getting into the car to buy some snacks for the road. Pappy let everyone pick something they would like and Ellis chose this huge pail of cheese puffs that Michael talked him into. I think they thought it was so cool that they could eat them with the shovel that came with it.

Ellis skipped his nap on the wedding day because he wasn't tired when Alaire layed down and we had to be at the church at 2:30 for pictures. He sat on Auntie Em's lap for the ceremony and fell asleep before Katelyn had walked down the aisle. 

It was so funny to watch these two at the reception. It was like little Trevor and Cassie were out there on the dance floor. Alaire was all about dancing and was trying everything in power to get her brother to just step onto the dance floor. 

All of the cousins... Sarah, Alex, Katelyn, Sabrina, Cassie, Alaire, and Emmy.

Me and my hot date for the evening.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Love the cheese puff shot. He cracks me up!

oodrea1221 said...

These pics are beautiful Cassie... esp the last one! I love the cheese puff mom got the kids eating them at a young age... so I HAVE to buy them! :)

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

I love the lst picture of the 3 of you; it's so good! I can't believe how grown-up Alaire is getting...too fast!