Saturday, July 04, 2009

Coco Keys

Auntie Em won some passes to Coco Keys at a silent auction fundraiser she went to a long time ago. She has been saving the tickets for Ellis and Alaire, and on our last day in Cincy we finally go to go. They had a blast! There was a lazy river which Ellis called swimming, and slides that they were both able to do themselves. 

We were in the parking lot and Alaire was saying, "I go Coco Keys, I go Coco Keys" over and over again. As soon as we walked in Ellis said, "wow this place is so cool." They were so beat after about 2 hours of all of the water fun. We packed up and went to Chick-fil-a for lunch picnic in the back of Wammy's van.


Anonymous said...

We r going to CocoKeys in KC with the church in a few weeks. I am so glad they had fun. I was wondering if Camdyn was going to enjoy it!

oma said...

Ellis and Alaire are going to be fish! Have they grown gills yet? I think it is great that they love the water so much!