Thursday, June 25, 2009

The wheels on the bus.

Wed. we went for the big bus ride with Uncle Bryce. About a month or two ago Ellis started asking Trevor and I when he could go on a bus and we just kept saying, "oh, when you go to school you will get to go on a school bus." Then one day he noticed a city bus and asked who rode those and I explained that anyone can ride them. You can ride them from wherever you are to where ever you want to be. You can go to the store or the movies, even the doctors office. He said, "yeah, but who do I know that rides them?" I told him that Uncle Bryce rides them all of the time to his school. His eyes got huge and he said, "could I ride one with Uncle Bryce?" Needless to say we set that up right away. 

Since Uncle Bryce lives in the big city and gets on downtown he suggested that we drive a little out of the city to catch our ride. I think his exact words were something like, "Ellis doesn't need to ride with some of those characters." 

We caught our bus at the Mariemont Inn and rode about 5 miles to the Milford Kroger. They loved every second of it. Uncle Bryce showed Ellis how to put his money in the machine and there was only one other passenger on the bus. At every stop light we switched seats and Alaire switched more than that. They go to wave at Auntie Em and Wammy as they drove the get away car beside us. The bus driver was so sweet she let them all pull the cord to signal that we were requesting a stop and she waved and said, "thanks for riding my bus" as we got off. 


oma said...

What great shots of the kids! They look so excited!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't stop laughing about this one!
