Thursday, June 25, 2009


My mom and Michael have a paper route. It is a local paper that gets delivered every Wed. afternoon. She usually drives Michael and whatever other kid in the neighborhood wants to go, around in the back of the van and they throw the papers out the back door. 

A while back Ellis got in trouble for throwing a piece of trash out of the window while we were driving and he said, "well Wammy does it." I didn't know what he was talking about. After that he kept asking when he could throw something out his window and I still had no idea what he was talking about until I finally put all of the pieces of these little conversations together and then it all finally made sense. 

Wed. he got to throw to his little heart's content. Uncle Bryce came along and we reminisced about his paper boy days when he was Michael's age. 

This poor little thing wanted to come along for the ride too, even though she had no idea what we were doing and she was up past nap time. I included this picture because I think she really looks the part.  (cough cough) "Buy me last pape Miss?"


oma said...

Have to love that "work" ethic they are learning.

oodrea1221 said...

David does a route out here...makes him about $60 to golf and gamble with...he should have Ashley & Ellis throw from both back windows and cut his time in half!!