Monday, June 08, 2009

Kid Swap-tacular!

This weekend we had a blast (and hopefully David and Andrea did too) doing our first ever kid swap. We watched their kids on Saturday night so that they could go to dinner and a movie. Ashley and Daniel came with us to a church dinner and then home for lots of playing outside and a little popcorn and movie time. Ellis and Alaire had a blast playing with them. We drove Andrea's van for the night because she already had 4 car seats in it. Ellis later told me that he isn't saving his money for a motorcycle anymore, he wants a van like Andrea's!

Trevor and I used our time this morning. We dropped the kids off and then headed to Lyons to do some mountain biking. There were a few mishaps (T's back tire was flat) to start it off but after that was over we had a blast! 

I haven't been Mt. biking since I found out I was pregnant with Ellis so I was defiantly a little squeaky and I need to get myself in shape! Poor Trevor had to wait for me a lot. VA Mt. biking was work but this was really hard. The only thing that got me up was knowing how fun it was going to be coming down. It was also really pretty. We are sure to try it again and Ellis informed me tonight that his bike is a Mt. bike too so I'm hoping we can keep it up and when Alaire and Ellis are big enough they will think it is fun too!


oodrea1221 said...

Love the pics! We are game for it whenever you want to kidswap again... so glad we were your first! :) I just looked at a bunch of your posts..we are also game to go to The Orchard Mall anytime...we like to do a little shopping and then some water play and park play and then lunch (there is a Japanese restaurant that you can get a great Bento Box and sit outside)...makes for a fun day! I LOVE your post about Target... we haven't had a Shopping Meltdown yet...but that's b/c the kids don't get to go shopping very often...but Ashley is having a bedtime meltdown, as I type! Love all the pics!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

How fun is that! What a great idea! You girls are so smart. I had forgotten that you had a bike. Love the van thing from Ellis. Too funny.

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun! That's a great idea to swap kids...Camdyn always tells us that she wants a "Ban" as well, maybe someday!

Pappy said...

Just to let you know. Your mom and I are going mountain biking tomorrow. We plan to ride up and down our driveway in preperation for our grandchildren coming to visit and taking the tour with us.

oma said...

Lyons is the perfect place to ride mt. bikes. Loved to go there and spend time with a friend from church that lived in Lyons. Great memories...... now you two are making your own! PTL for friends who will "swap" time with you and your kids!!!!

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

So fun! What a great swap!