Friday, June 12, 2009

Harley Heaven

We had Nana and Steve over for burgers last night and they rode the Harley over. Back in the day (its kinda funny to say that about a three yr. old) anyway, back in the day he would stand in his diaper at the door to their garage and say, "moto-cycle" until someone would finally take him out and let him sit on it.

Yesterday was  a day we won't stop talking about for quite some time I'm sure. Yesterday Ellis actually got to go on  a ride on the Harley!! At first he was a little unsure, it's pretty loud. Steve let him sit for a while and then he was ready to go. They rode down to the mailbox and back and upon their return he was grinning from ear to ear. I asked him if he still wanted to buy a van with his money and he said yeah, after the motorcycle.  


Anonymous said...

If you notice in the picture with Ellis and Alaire on said, Harley, Alaire's thought previous post as I know what she is thinking..."I will have a Harley one day!"


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Oh my, seems I remember thier mother had a CHiPS motorcycle when she was about three years old.

oma said...

Looks like everyone is having fun, but, I definitely DON't want Opa to get a Harley!