Thursday, June 25, 2009

Family Hike

Emmy suggested we go on a family hike after dinner on Wed. so Ellis walked around collecting everyone's hiking shoes and we were out the door. Between all of us I would guess that we lost about 40 lbs. of water weight. It was incredibly humid and Ellis Alaire and my hair were all curling in ringlets.  Our trail was .6 miles and Alaire walked for more than half of it. We saw a raccoon, a few deer, lots of fish, a frog and a few turtles. Wammy even fed us "organic blackberries" as Sarah called them. The trail curved around a pond and the kids loved the discovery of it all. Afterwards we stopped at UDF for ice cream and fell asleep as soon as our little heads hit the pillows.

Alaire was attemping to pee off of the side of the bridge like her brother had just done. I would include the picture of her brother but it is a little to graphic for the world wide web. I would like him to be able to get a job some day and besides if I save it for his wedding it will be a lot more fun!

Ellis especially loved all of it. He could hardly contain himself. He would run way ahead and then turn around and run back to tell us what was ahead.


Anonymous said...

I think the smile pic is my favorite pic of Ellis ever!

oma said...

Wednesday was incredibliy humid!!! I love that you had such a great time together on your walk.

Anonymous said...

is Alaire potty trained yet?


oodrea1221 said...

That looked like so much fun...I hear you about the humidity... do NOT miss that! I was totally going to ask if Alaire was trying to pee off the dock, maybe b/c big brother had, and then I read the caption--TOO CUTE! You don't want to put that pic on Facebook, like Daniel's pic peeing in his "urninal?!" You should blow it up to an 8x10 like I'm going to do--we'll have the BEST behaved teenaged boys ever!! I agree with that pic of Ellis--he is SO excited (I can just see him gathering up everyone's hiking boots)!