Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Ellis and The Strider

Ellis got a new bike 2 nights ago. He has a buddy down the street named Lane that is about to turn 5. Ellis goes down to Lane's house every once and a while and Lane lets Ellis ride his Strider bike. It is a bike without pedals that helped Lane learn how to ride a 2 wheeler. Two days ago we were visiting Lane and his mom told us to just take that bike home for Ellis. Lane doesn't use it anymore and she could tell how much Ellis liked it. 

Trevor and I can not get over how good he is at it. I really think he will be riding a 2 wheeler in a matter of weeks! I took a video of him on it tonight at the park. You can see how much he really loves it! If you want to watch just look to the left under "Movies of the Bug and Ladybug" and click on "Ellis & the Stider."


Jan AKA Wammy said...

We are getting the bike out today to get it all shined up for Ellis. I can't believe how well he does on that bike. How come we never heard about a strider before? What a great idea because balane is the toughest part of ridig a bike. We will be on the bike trail in no time!

oma said...

Glad to be back on the internet! It has been off since Sat.! You are making terrific memories - not only for the kids - but for you and Trevor, too. It is so fun to read your blog.