Sunday, May 31, 2009

Our Jam-Packed Day

We had an incredibly busy day today, and incredibly fun one as well! 

There was a church picnic today after service that the kids loved! Any child that participated in a game got a ribbon. Ellis picked green for him and Alaire, not understanding that green was 5th place, he was just excited that they got a ribbon. They played with the parachute, did the tug-o-war, water balloon toss and, hit the pinata. 

Alaire was the youngest participant so she was the first to swing at Winnie. She had no clue what she was doing but I know that she had fun!

Ellis was not excited when his first balloon popped but as soon as he figured out that you were supposed to get wet he was all in!

I was sure he would be timid when it was his turn to swing but David Depler (his hero and the site Minister's son), yelled, "hit it hard Ellis" his face took a turn and he blasted it! I couldn't believe how quickly he decided he was going to do this and he was going to do it big. He was actually the first to put a hole in it. Way to go Ellis!

This little chick-a-dee had a blast and was asleep in her car seat before Trevor could get out of the parking lot.

After some nice long naps we went to Daddy's last b-ball game. The kids were his biggest fans during the first half of the game, even yelling and yelling until Daddy would wave back to them. Then Ellis figured out he could go to the bathroom on his own and we were in the hallway more than in the gym. 

Sorry it isn't much of an action shot but I was attempting to keep Alaire from turning the bleachers into her own personal jungle gym.


Anonymous said...

tomorrow yard work!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Who cares what color the ribbon's a ribbon! They look like they are having a blast.

Jan AKA Wammy said...

well tell Ellis that he better get ready because Michael is planning games for the graduation party! I guess that means we need to get ribbons too!

Holly said...

so fun.... i hate taking Anna to anything with bleachers. I about have a heart attack the whole time and she has fallen her fair share of times. They are so tough!