Thursday, May 21, 2009

What's a Girl to Do??

I'm sure it will come as no surprise to most of you when I say that Alaire is quite possibly the most independent and stubborn child I have ever had the pleasure of spending time with. It is these two character traits that I fear are going to make potty training very, um shall we say, interesting! 

Currently Alaire's 3 favorite words are, "I do it." Last week I was in the middle of changing her diaper and Ellis was in the bathroom at the same time so Alaire decided she needed to go too. "I potty," she said and when half way there she turned to me and said, "sit" along with the hand gesture that we give the dog when directing him to do the same. She walked right in the the bathroom, stood beside her brother, lifted her shirt and thrust her hips forward. The whole telling her mom to sit thing is something I know how to take care of,  but the shirt lifting and hip thrusting is something I have no idea what to do with. It's not like that was the only time it has happened either, she is in the stage where she is realizing when she wets her diaper and whenever that happens she lifts her shirt and says, "I potty." I have tried over and over again to tell her that, you are a girl and girls sit down when they go potty." I have said, "Mommy is a girl just like you and girls sit and boys stand. Bubba and Daddy stand and Mommy and Alaire sit." 

She has done all of this so many times that I finally just went today and bought her some Dora underwear and broke out the little potty. Ellis and I attempted "Happy Excited Potty Training Mode" for about 2 hours after nap time but she ended up never peeing and would only sit on it about 3 times always saying, "help mommy help." She is only 19 months so I'm not planning on trying to potty train her for at least 5 or 6 more months but I am so afraid that she will refuse to even sit that I thought I would try to make it exciting now. I guess we will just forget about it for a while and then make our real attempt later.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Wammy. Auntie Em and Aunt Sarah all sit too. Guess we will just have to have a little potty intervention when she is here.

oma said...

Having only potty trained 3 boys, I totally sympathize, but have no idea how to help....sorry. When the time is right, I'm sure she will - sit - like the rest of us girls.

Anonymous said...

learning to stand when peeing is a very valuable skill to have.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Eli doesn't pee right for his gender either...whats wrong with this family?


pappy said...

pappy sits too sometimes....

sheltonfamily said...

She is sooooo like Anna... She takes her diaper off all the time.. .always wants to go when I take Ellie, but she never does anything on the potty. I just keep it out and figure she will REALLY let me know when she is ready. I think maybe by the end of summer? Good luck with a strong willed little girl!!!

texatheart said...

I can't believe how big Ellis is and little Alaire I could really love on. Good luck with th potty training. My cousin would try the stand up potty and when she couldn't she would spit in the toilet. Felt so big! Love on those precious little ones for us. Ellis still has a special place in my heart.
Jan Witt

texatheart said...

My cousin used to do this also after seeing her brother stand. She would do the thrusting of the hips and then when she didn't pee, she would spit in the potty and flush. Then she turned around and said "I done". She finally learned and I asure you she sits today (of course, she is 30).
Too funny.
Jan Witt