Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Breckenridge but a little bummed

I am so incredibly bummed. Our digital camera will not turn on, it won't even except a charge. What makes this even more of a bummer is that we just got back from a little family trip to Breckenridge or BrokenBridge as Ellis calls it,  and I don't have a single picture to show for it. 

One of my friends had a time share this week and they weren't able to use it on Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday so she offered it to us for free!! We were unsure at first if we should go because we had had such a crazy weekend with Trevor having a lock-in and me not getting any sleep either. (I never sleep well when he is gone.) I am so glad that we just went for it. 

Ellis was so excited to be going to the mountains and it made it extra fun that we got one snowy day and one sunny day. The first day we went sledding and the second we spent lots of time playing outside. He was hilarious when we first got there, going from room to room making comments like, "mom, come look, this is a really cool potty!" He even did an impromptu strip down to his underwear to try out his bed. Once it got the thumbs up he was boosting Alaire up into hers and attempting to get her into her PJ's. 

We had a great time. Thanks you Suttons!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So happy for you to have had such a great time in the Mountains of Colorado! Sorry your camera is acting up on you! Ellis ism's are so funny! Love it!!!