Saturday, May 09, 2009

My Little Big Boy

I know he is only 3 and a half. (Don't tell him I said that. He would say, "No I am it!" He doesn't want to be half anything.)  He just seemed so big to me today. 

He caught a cricket in a plastic zip-lock container and he was so incredibly excited saying, "I have 2 pets now." He named his cricket JillBill. For anyone wondering it is a boy. We researched crickets on the internet and found that they are omnivores so he decided to feed it some cheese and a cheezit. Shortly after feeding him Ellis decided that JillBill needed a nap so he tiptoed the container to his room and then told us all that we needed to whisper. We left JillBill in Ellis' room and headed to church this evening but upon our return JillBill was no where to be found. "Dad will you help me find my cricket?" I told dad where he should find him in Ellis' room but when they came back empty handed I had an eery feeling that Pet #1 may have an idea where pet #2 was and I was afraid of sharing. We just helped him settle for the story that JillBill wanted to hop back to his family. Poor JillBill didn't make it one day, I guess Eli couldn't stand the competition.  

This picture is from after church tonight. We went to see the changes Trevor and his staff have been making to the Youth Room so Ellis of course had to play the drums. It reminded me of Town and Country and how much he loved Wed. nights there and sitting on anyone's lap who would hold him so that he could reach to play. Now he can sit on the stool and reach them all on his own!! 

And to top off my day of not wanting my baby to grow up I picked him up from his class tonight and he handed me a flower and a card. Keep in mind I am on the LifeKids staff so I knew all of this was coming. I even knew that the card said something to the effect of, "I love my Mom because..." and then a blank for the teacher to fill in whatever the child said but when I read, "I love my Mom because she tells me stories" he had me wrapped around his finger...... and I'm not letting go!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I'm sure that JillBill went home to be with his family...where else would he be on Mother's Day Eve?

I know what you mean by wanting them to stay little. They all grow up way to fast. Happy Mother's's 12:02AM in the Big City!

oma said...

I love your stories, too! Linda Mirante said to love your children at every age and let that age be your favorite. That's so true... especially when they seem to turn "big" on you over-night! (I love the ages our kids are right now!! )

sheltonfamily said...

so cute! for some reason I have really been realizing how quickly my girls are getting"big". Anna it is with her speech and sometimes self-control!ha ha! Ellie it is in coloring, letters, not being fearful, etc... I love the drum picture. He looks like a natural!

Anonymous said...

awww... how sweet! in trey's card to me today, his comment was that he loves me "because i turn on the dunkin repair club movie." :)