Monday, May 18, 2009

The Big Show

Every other Thursday I am involved at the Mom's group at our church so the kids get to go to child care for the morning. Ellis loves his "upstairs class" as he calls it and has apparently been learning lots of songs. Thursday was our last day for the year so the 3 yr. old class did a little performance for the (mostly) mom's. 

Trevor and I thought for sure as soon as Ellis saw what was happening he would in now way be taking part in it, but boy were we wrong! He cam into the room wringing his shirt around in his arms and grinning from ear to ear with excitement.  He sang next to his buddy Taya and he even did the motions. This first picture is of him waving to Alaire, who by the way, loved the show! Two of Trevor's staff, Amanda and Joe also came to watch. When we were leaving he even asked me, "Mom how come Burnie (Amanda's husband the firefighter) didn't come to my show?" I told him we will have to be sure to invite Burnie next time if he isn't at the firehouse!

The funniest part was at one point mid song when Alaire dropped her cup and Ellis saw he yelled to me, "Hey Mom Alaire dropped her cup." 

This is the song he really concentrated on. I had never heard it before but it was something about, "reach high up in the sky, now low and touch your toes." 

After the show he was thrilled that he got to show Daddy how well he can ride these scooters that the church has.  It was a way fun day!!


The Purvis Family said...

love ellis' comments and questions....too cute!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!